Cabarita-Mortlake Kindergarten
Community preschool education for 3-5 year olds
At Cabarita Mortlake Kindergarten children are eligible to attend the preschool once they have turned 3 years old and are fully toilet trained (exceptions may be made for children with additional needs). Whilst we cater for children 3-5 years of age, under the current preschool funding model priority is given to 4 year old children (those who turn 4 by 31st July in the year of commencement) or children requiring Equity funding (i.e. are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background and/or from a low income Health Care Card holding family).
Traditionally, we have been able to place all eligible children the year before they attend formal education. However, we CANNOT GUARANTEE placement in a certain group. Children are offered positions according to their position on the waiting list and the state Government requires preschools to fill the places according to the following priorities:
Children in their year before school (4 years old by end of July in year of commencement)
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin children
Children from low income families
Children with Additional Needs
In order to ensure that your child does not miss out on a position at our preschool we do recommend that you place their name on our waiting list as early as possible. Children can be placed on our waiting list at any time. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that their information is up-to-date on our waiting list and we ask that you notify us of any changes your details (i.e. changes of email/ address/ phone no. /or other relevant circumstances)
Click the pdf application to download the form to enter your child on the waiting list.
Please return forms to:
Cabarita-Mortlake Kindergarten
Cnr. William & Denison Sts. Concord NSW 2137
Telephone: (02) 9743 4446
Or alternatively scan completed form and email to cabaritamortlakekindy@gmail.com
There is a non-refundable processing fee of $20.00 to be returned with the waiting list form. If you are returning this form by hand, please bring the correct money.