Cabarita-Mortlake Kindergarten
Community preschool education for 3-5 year olds
About Us

Cabarita-Mortlake Kindergarten is a 42 place community-based centre providing preschool education to children ages 3 to 5 years old. We have been educating and caring for the children of Concord, Cabarita and Mortlake since 1976.
As a community based preschool we are an autonomous Association responsible for our own affairs, and we are run by a management committee, comprising of parents that are selected each year. Our greatest resource is our families and we encourage parental involvement in a number of areas including management committees, fundraising, social events and participation in daily activities.
Opening Hours
The Kindergarten operates for four terms throughout the year, following the NSW public school term calendar. The hours for the children are 8:00am-3:30pm (pick up by 3.15pm).
Children may attend for 2 or 3 days per week in one of the following groups:
Monday & Tuesday Seahorses
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Dolphins
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Seahorses
Thursday & Friday Dolphins